
Dental Implant Procedures

Dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth. They provide a fixed (not removable) and stable foundation for replacement of your natural tooth root and, if properly maintained, can last a lifetime. 송파임플란트 The process of replacing a missing tooth with an implant involves several procedures. Each of these is important to the long term success of the final restoration – your new tooth.

The first step is to schedule an evaluation with one of our doctors. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions and get all your concerns addressed before proceeding with treatment. During the evaluation, we will take into account your general health and medical history as well as your dental needs and goals. We will also explain the surgical procedure and costs associated with your case.

Before you are ready for surgery, we will have a complete dental exam with X-rays and models of your jaw. In addition, you will have to agree to a dental cleaning and periodontal treatment plan that fosters good bone growth around the implant site.

If you have diabetes, or any other condition that can compromise the healing process of your gums and bone, it is important to let us know at this time. Uncontrolled diabetes can damage the surrounding bone and teeth, and if left untreated can result in serious complications that may make the surgical process impossible or at least significantly more difficult. Severe periodontitis (gum disease) is another factor that must be in control before you can consider implant placement.잠실치과

During the surgery, you will receive anesthesia to ensure your comfort. You may choose nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral conscious sedation or IV sedation, depending on your situation. You will need to arrange for a ride home after your surgery if you choose sedation, as these drugs affect how you drive. We also recommend that you stop smoking before and after surgery as it can greatly decrease the long-term success of your implant.

Once the implant is placed, a healing cap is attached to protect the metal anchor in your jaw bone while the site heals. In some cases, the doctor may add a bone-building material to promote a stronger base for the implant, especially if your jawbone is too soft to support the implant. This is known as a bone graft and can be done from a different area in your body or by using a synthetic bone-substitute material.

During the healing process, your jawbone will form a solid bond with the implant, a process called osseointegration. This may take months, during which you will need to wear a removable denture. It is essential that you follow your doctor’s post-op instructions, including eating soft foods, and keeping regular appointments to prevent infection and to monitor progress. If you have any questions or concerns about your dental implant, contact Jenkins Dental immediately. We will be happy to assist you.