Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome focuses on relieving symptoms to help you live as symptom-free as possible. Your doctor may prescribe medication or suggest lifestyle changes. Changes you can make include reducing foods that cause bloating and gas, eating smaller meals more often, taking a fiber supplement, and avoiding carbonated drinks and some types of gum. You may also need to limit your dairy intake because some people are lactose intolerant. Your doctor will also ask you to keep a food diary so you can figure out which foods trigger your IBS symptoms.과민성대장증후군치료병원

Medications to treat IBS vary, but some options include antispasmodic drugs to calm the muscles in your stomach (dicyclomine or hyoscyamine) and osmotic laxatives to relieve constipation. Antidepressants can also reduce pain and anxiety. Those who have diarrhea-predominant IBS may benefit from a low FODMAP diet, which limits foods like wheat, beans, brussels sprouts and garlic. Some people who have IBS report improvements in their diarrhea symptoms after eliminating gluten (wheat, barley and rye) from their diet, even when they don’t have celiac disease.

Some people with IBS benefit from relaxation techniques or behavioral therapy, which teaches you better ways to cope with your stress and pain. Some examples of behavioral therapies are biofeedback, hypnotherapy and cognitive behavior therapy.

In some cases, your doctor may recommend a colonoscopy to find out what is causing your symptoms. Your provider will insert a scope to see your entire colon, or you may have a flexible sigmoidoscopy to look at the lining of your colon and first part of your small intestine.

Your doctor might also test your stool for bacteria, parasites or bile acid. They might also perform a blood test to check your hemoglobin and C-reactive protein concentrations, which can tell you how active your gut is.

You should always talk to your doctor before starting any new medications, including herbal remedies and over-the-counter medicines. Some of these may interact with your prescriptions or increase your risks of side effects.해우소한의원

It’s important to be patient when treating IBS, since it takes time for your symptoms to improve. But don’t give up if you haven’t seen results after a few weeks of trying lifestyle changes and over-the-counter treatments. There’s usually a good chance you’ll find the right combination of treatments for you.