
Dermatological Laser Treatment For Skin Rejuvenation

Laser treatment for skin rejuvenation can make scars less noticeable, but it cannot remove them completely. If performed incorrectly, however, lasers can actually create new scars. For the best results, dermatological laser treatment should only be performed by a licensed medical professional, such as a board-certified dermatologist. Non-dermatologists with limited training and supervision may jeopardize your health and safety.

The laser skin rejuvenation procedure stimulates the growth of healthy, fresh skin cells. It is a popular treatment for fine lines and wrinkles, discoloration, sun damage and acne scars. Laser treatments can also tighten loose skin. The laser energy penetrates the surface of the skin and encourages regrowth of collagen and elastin, which give your skin its natural firmness and elasticity.

Ablative lasers like the CO2 laser and the Erbium Laser can improve many signs of aging in the skin. This includes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, redness and blood vessels on the face, rosacea, enlarged pores and uneven pigmentation.

Fractional lasers use a technique that treats only small areas of the skin, which allows the area to heal quickly. These include the Erbium, Fractional CO2, and Pulsed-Dye lasers. These lasers help fade unwanted brown spots such as freckles, hyperpigmentation and other discolorations caused by sun exposure or genetics. They can also treat enlarged pores and reduce the appearance of a double chin.

A high-frequency laser causes the top layer of your skin to peel, revealing healthier, younger-looking skin beneath. The treatment helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines, as well as blemishes such as psoriasis, rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis. The treatment also stimulates your body to produce more collagen, which can tighten sagging skin around the face and neck.선릉역피부과

Pulsed-Dye lasers are effective in reducing the appearance of redness and broken capillaries on the skin. They are often used in conjunction with the Vbeam Perfecta by Candela laser. These lasers emit short bursts of intense light that heat the skin, causing it to dilate and absorb excess blood. They are most commonly used on the legs and feet, but can be used on other parts of the body as well.

Non-laser intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments are also able to treat redness, vascular lesions, hyperpigmentation and blemishes. They are a great solution for those who do not want to have surgery or other more invasive procedures to address their issues. IPLs also offer a good alternative for those who do not wish to have laser treatments because they are a safe, effective and minimally invasive way to address your skin concerns.삼성동피부과

Before your laser treatment, it is important to avoid getting a tan and to wear a wide-spectrum sunscreen with both ultraviolet B and ultraviolet A rays to protect your skin during the healing process. You should also avoid certain medications that increase sensitivity to the wavelengths of the laser. You should also let your doctor know all of the skin products and medicines that you are taking before your procedure, as some can interact with the laser.